PS, NM, and RS pattern types will have seams on the seat rail, in-back, and outback at the cushion break.
PS and NM pattern types on the 110/111 chaise will have a seam approximately 4 inches in from the cushion seam under the back cushion.
The throw pillows and extra pillows are 20" and non-welted.
Pieces are held in place with non-skid legs. Please remember to remove plastic caps before placement.
The bolsters are 14" X 27" X 2" and non-welted.
The throw pillows and extra pillows are 24" and non-welted.
Pieces are held together with mechanical clips.
NM, PS, and RS pattern types will feature seams on the bench cushions, front seat rail, in the back, and outback at the back cushion breaks.
The throw pillows and extra pillows are 22" and non-welted.
Pieces are held together with mechanical clips.